Quick Review: Different Theory of Management

Review: Different theories of Management
I'm a student, even though I 'am not outstanding but I try my best to fulfill these tasks. Even though I was pressed on every side because of some pressure but yet not crushed, so this would be my dramatic introduction, actually the reason I was writing this blog it's not about myself but about a short\quick Review that I love to share with you, so let's get started. They have many theories that developed about Management and each of them creates unique styles and very helpful strategies.
The first management theory by FREDERICK TAYLOR which is a “SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT” in 1911. When you say scientific meaning it should have a long process before we decide a final decision which is really thought carefully and thoroughly like for instance making any test and experiments or it should be systematic. So it is stated there that "This theory aimed at lowering the unit cost by increasing the efficiency of management It is rigid and focused on discipline, high concentration on the job and strict incentive pay system, which is Frederick Taylor wanted to address
Scientific Management theory: • Organize work in a systematic manner (use of time-motion studies, experience). =so he wanted us to organize our workplace so that everything will be in place and everything will be done consistently in that way efficiency increases. • A personnel management system that will match skills to job requirements. =secondly, you should match what the person is trained for the job that he or she should be doing meaning according to his/or her capability. • Output-based work compensation =so if we base in output so the chances of a person will increase his productivity • Independence and sharing of worker’s and manager’s workload. =there should be no overlapping duties and responsibilities between managers and workers so that everything will be efficient.
Secondly, the theory of Henri Fayol (1925) is the Administrative Management Theory so he identified the managerial function: planning, organizing, commanding\staffing, coordinating, and control.
these are the 5 Administrative Management Theory • Planning –encompasses determining philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedure, and rules • Organizing- includes establishing the structures to carry out plans. • Commanding\staffing- function consists of recruiting, interviewing • Coordinating\directing includes human resource management • The controlling- function includes appraisal.
Third, the theory of Behavioral Management Theory by “Elton Mayo" so he focused on productivity and he believes that it depends on how organizations/people are being treated. it refers to the effect of a certain intervention in the management of the people. He says that whenever you observe people they attend to change their attitude base on the expectation of the observer. this has great implication in management because first of all we are the type of manager who keeps on supervising people and we do not trust our employees we tend to over supervise them and making them restricted from their movement so these people will change only for the short term in but in the long term it may pose a problem. Now, these theories suggest the benefit of having formal and informal workgroups should be considered, having a formal workgroup improves formal relationship within the organization while the informal or the social relationship can be improved by promoting informal workgroups.
He focused on five concepts as under: 1. Morale 2. Group dynamics 3. Democratic supervision 4. Personal relations 5. Behavioral concept of Motivation
Fourth, Bureaucratic\ Organization Management Theory was developed by Max Weber (1922) said that there should be bureaucracy or a system of consistent formal or legalized structure within the organization. The main focus of this theory is to control the workflow by constituting the most efficient and formally rational way in which human activity can be organized and that it is indispensable to the modern world.
Bureaucratic\ Organization Management Theory A. Official jurisdiction on all areas are ordered by the rules and laws already implemented. =Now, the organizational theory says that there is official jurisdiction, in all areas are governed by rules and laws, if we have rules and laws in an organization and it becomes an impersonal entity which will be followed by the subordinates or the people in that organization, now if that rule of law is implemented well without the element of bias everything will be efficient. B.There is an office hierarchy; a system of super- and subordination in which there supervision of the lower office by higher ones. =there should be a manager who will supervise this employee so that there will be a hierarchy that will facilitate efficiency. C.The management of the modern office is based upon a written rule which preserves in original form. = because Max Weber believe that a written rule is important to monitor or implement rules and regulation impartially.
These theories developed by Mcgregor and Douglas say that managerial attitude about employees can be directly correlated with employee satisfaction. Mcgregor postulated that theory x managers believe that their employees are basically lazy need constant supervision and direction and are they indifferent to organizational needs, so they tend to develop policies that are always on the negative because they believe that their employee will do no good inside the organization.
While theory Y managers believe that the workers enjoy their work are self-motivated and are willing to work hard to meet personal organization goals, theory Y manager tend to develop rewarding policies, so for example of the theory y and theory x managers in our recent pandemic crisis . so there are LGU local government unit who give incentives for those people who will stay at home that is the example of the theory y manager because the person gives a reward for good attitudes, but if we try to punish these people because we view them as not obedient, and inherently lazy and inherently bad then we are on the theory x paradigm.


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